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Home  /  How Soon In Advance Should I Order Wedding Favors?
How Soon In Advance Should I Order Wedding Favors?
March 22, 2015
Wedding favors are key to providing your guests something memorable to take home after the Wedding is over. When it comes to choosing the right wedding favors to hand out to your guests, you need to make sure you've ordered the wedding favors in plenty of time. The timeframe of ordering the favors depends on a lot of other details concerning the Wedding, making it hard to give an exact time to order. Here are three things to consider when ordering your favors.


It can be very difficult ordering your wedding favors when you have no idea how many guests are planning to attend your Wedding. One of the things you need to be sure of is a roundabout number of attendees so you can make sure you have enough favors to hand out. Most experts suggest getting your RSVP back at least 3 weeks before the actual day of the Wedding. This allows you several weeks to get your wedding favors ordered and in the mail.

It is a good idea to go ahead and choose your wedding favors ahead of getting back the RSVPs. This way you can order them as soon as you start getting an estimate of how many people plan to attend the event. You also want to make sure you can get faster delivery times just in case you get late RSVPs.

Delivery Times

Before you go to order the favors for your Wedding, you want to check the delivery times of the company. Some companies require that you order months in advance to ensure on-time delivery. This is important to know so you can order the favors on time.

If you aren't going to know what to order or how many to order, you may want to find an alternative source for ordering your wedding favors. Having a backup can help you should you find yourself in a sticky situation with time. You can also check to see if they offer several different shipping methods. Some companies provide express delivery or even next day delivery for an additional charge. This allows you to spend more time ordering the wedding favors.


When it comes to ordering personalized items, you need to order in advance. There are two reasons for this. If the personalization is messed up, you need time to ship it back and have it corrected. The other reason is to provide the company time to personalize the item. Give yourself a few more weeks if you are looking to personalize the items.

Overall, you are looking at ordering your wedding favors from a couple of months before the Wedding to a couple of weeks before the wedding. The time frame for ordering depends on numerous things. The more detail you want your favors to include, the more time you need to allow for the favors to get completed. If you plan on putting the favors together, you will need to order them with the mindset that you need time to get them done.
How Soon In Advance Should I Order Wedding Favors?How Soon In Advance Should I Order Wedding Favors?